Getting started in R and RStudio
This tutorial is one of a series that accompanies the books An Adventure in Statistics (Field 2016) and Discovering Statistics Using R and RStudio (Field 2020) by me, Andy Field. This tutorial contains abridged sections from the books so there are some copyright considerations but I offer them under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License,1
- Who is the tutorial aimed at?
- Anyone teaching from or reading Discovering Statistics Using R and RStudio or An Adventure in Statistics may find them useful.
- What is covered?
- This tutorial looks at using RStudio to interact with R. It covers installing R and RStudio, the difference between them, a tour of RStudio, good RStudio workflow practices, installing and loading packages, and using R Markdown. It would be a useful tutorial to run at the start of a module, or alongside teaching based on Chapter 1 of Discovering Statistics Using R and RStudio or or An Adventure in Statistics.
Installing R and RStudio
This section looks at installing RStudio and R. The topics covered are:
Video tutorial
A quick tour of R Studio
This section takes a tour of R Studio. Topics covered are:
- The four panes of RStudio and changing their configuration
- Creating a new R Markdown document
- Getting help in R
- Changing the RStudio theme
Video tutorial
Working in RStudio
This section looks at good workflow practices in RStudio. The topics covered are:
- Using and creating R Studio project files
- Organzing your R Studio project folder
- Relative file paths
- Cuddling a spanial
- Creating a new R Markdown document
- Code chunks in R Markdown documents
- Loading data files
Video tutorial
Installing and loading packages
This section looks at installing and loading R packages. The topics covered are:
- R packages and the CRAN
- Installing packages using
- Loading packages using
- Using a setup code chunk in R markdown
- Using the
Video tutorial
R Markdown
This section looks at creating documents using R Markdown. The topics covered are:
- What is R markdown?
- YAML (very briefly)
- Formatting text in R markdown documents
- Headings
- Bullet lists
- Emphasizing text (bold, italic, superscript, subscript)
- Inserting images/figures
- Inserting hyperlinks
Video tutorial
Getting data into RStudio
This section looks at how to use Microsoft Excel and Google sheets to enter data into RStudio. The video explains:
- What is tidy data?
- Entering data for independent designs using Excel/Google sheets and saving as a CSV file
- Entering data for repeated measures designs using Excel/Google sheets and saving as a CSV file
- Loading data from a CSV file into RStudio using
Video tutorial
Tables in R Markdown
This section looks at how to format tables in R Markdown so they knit into beautiful things rather than horrific vomitoriums of plain text. The topics covered are:
- Setting code chunk options to
results = 'asis'
- Using the
function - Creating a caption
- Setting the number of decimal places for a table
- Using the
package to ceate banded/striped tables
Video tutorial
Field, Andy P. 2016. An Adventure in Statistics: The Reality Enigma. London: Sage.
———. 2020. Discovering Statistics Using R and RStudio. 2nd ed. London: Sage.
Basically you can use this tutorial for teaching and non-profit activities but do not meddle with it or claim it as your own work.↩